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Sex Trafficking and Victim Advocacy in Indiana in 2020

Teresa Basey | Published on 11/13/2020

Virtual Speaker Series November 21 at 10:00 am 
Sex Trafficking and Victim Advocacy
in Indiana in 2020

The League of Women Voters of Muncie-Delaware County is pleased to announce another in our series of speakers on Women's issues.  
Saturday, November 21, 2020 at 10:00 am
Judge Kimberly Dowling of the Delaware County Circut Court #2
Shelby Looper, Director of the MPD's Victims Advocate Program

Judge Dowling was elected to the bench in 2012.  Prior to her election, she practiced family law for 27 years.  Judge Dowling has a general jurisdiction court, and also supervises Juvenile Court, the Title IV-D Court and the CASA program. 

A member of the Indiana Board of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, and of the Indiana Supreme Court Working Group to address Sex Trafficking in the State of Indiana, Judge Dowling has now been named chair of the CSEC sub-committee through the Indiana Commission on Improving the Status of Children.  Judge Dowling has presented at national JDAI conferences on human trafficking, has presented multiple trainings on human trafficking to the juvenile judges in Indiana, and she has attended and presented at other national and state conferences on the subject 
You can get to know more about Judge Dowling 

Shelby Looper
Shelby Looper was unable to attend due to illness. We wish her a speedy recovery and look forward to another occasion when we can hear her insights.

Shelby Looper is a graduate of Ball State University's Criminal Justice program, and a recipient of the Tomorrow's Leaders Award through the Department of Justice.  She has headed the Victims Advocate program, which seeks to provide a variety of services to victims of violent crime through referrals, advocacy, and support, for four years.  The Advocate program's assistance will ensure the victim’s rights are protected, and the victim is treated with dignity and respect throughout the criminal justice process.

Please join us on
Saturday, November 21, 2020 at 10:00 am
for what is sure to be an interesting and important presentation.