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New Membership Levels

Teresa Basey | Published on 11/20/2020

New Membership Levels

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Library of Congress Image

+$100.00 Donation“The Ruth Bader Ginsburg Membership” 

“Fight for the things that you care about. But do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” ― Ruth Bader Ginsburg

With this membership level, we 
acknowledge the gift of equity that the notorious RBG provided to all women, whether they wanted it or not.

Audre Lorde

+$50.00 Donation "The Audre Lorde Membership” - 

“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own."― Audre Lorde

With this membership level, we acknowledge the shackles we have yet to cast off are different for each of us, and attempt to remove the financial burden of membership that others may face.

+$25.00 “The Zitkala-Sa Membership” – White missionaries promised her the “Red Apple Country” when she was 8-years old so she went with them despite her mother’s objections. They stripped her of her culture and trained her in their own. As an adult, Zitkala-Sa fought for suffrage for her people. 

With this membership level, we recognize that our American culture has consisted of redefining whiteness in order to include others by appropriation, rather than by appreciation of the many cultures within America. 

“The Carrie Chapman Catt Membership – Standard Membership

"The vote is the emblem of your equality, women of America, the guaranty of your liberty....Progress is calling to you to make no pause. Act!” - Carrie Chapman Catt from The Woman’s Hour by Elaine Weiss

With this membership level, we honor our founding foremother whose tenacity and strength built the foundation of our league, just as our standard membership level supports our sustenance and growth today.

$78.00  “ThPhoebe Ensminger Burn Membership” Household Membership

“Be a good boy and help Mrs. Catt put the ‘rat’ in ratification.” - Phoebe Ensminger Burn

With this membership level, we honor the woman behind the man who followed his mother's consultation and gave all women a voice in our democracy. The household membership is all about including your family in the league, for their support, their fellowship, and their council.

$22.00  “The Frances E.W. Harper Membership” Trial Membership to remove barriers to participation  

“Can you blame me if I’ve learned to think your hate of vice a sham, when you so coldly crushed me down, and then excused the man?”-from “A Double Standard” by Frances E.W. Harper


With this membership level, we respectfully acknowledge the "double standard" created by the classist and racist society in which we have all been born and raised. Let no financial barrier exist between us.

$0.00  "The Kay White Memorial Scholarship Fund" Free membership

Kay White was a member of the LWV of Muncie/Delaware County who left money in our care to provide free memberships to those in need.