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Redistricting Reform--Crucial to Preserve Our Democracy!

Linda Hanson | Published on 2/3/2022

All IN 4 Democracy, our redistricting reform coalition, worked with Sen. Fady Qaddoura to formulate a constitutional amendment that would remove the mapping responsibility from the legislature and place it instead in a multi-partisan citizens commission.  Legislators who have opposed a citizens commission in the last decade have said their hands are tied by the Indiana Constitution.  SJR 14, a Senate Joint Resolution sponsored by Senator Qaddoura, would remove that impediment.  The text of the resolution may be found here:  


Unfortunately, the resolution was never even granted a hearing in committee.  Despite a significant number of emails and phone calls and postcards, Senator Jon Ford, chairman of the Senate Elections Committee, declined to put it in the agenda.  It was denied discussion, debate, and a vote out to the full Senate while the most recent redistricting process is fresh in legislators’ minds.  So our All IN legislative agenda is dead for this session.  You may still send messages to Senator Ford to tell him you are disappointed… or 317-232-9400 or 200 W. Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN


That lack of action does not mean that we should be quiet and go home!


Sen. Qaddoura will be introducing a resolution in the Senate on Monday, February 7, to honor the members of the ICRC and to keep their model of transparency and public engagement before our legislators and the public.  Watch the Senate livestream here: 

Voicing our support for redistricting reform is necessary to propel this resolution forward in the 2023 session.  We must maintain the momentum of public support and visibility that the Indiana Citizens Redistricting Commission (ICRC) and the most recent redistricting cycle brought.   CONTACT YOUR SENATOR AND YOUR REPRESENTATIVE