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Natural Resources Committee Lays Out Goals for Upcoming Year

Sarah Williams | Published on 9/23/2022

Natural Resources Committee supports new toter recycling system

examines local solar panel issues, plans Spring panel presentation on solar panel installations

The LWV-MDC Natural Resources Committee met on Wednesday, September 21, at Kennedy Library in Muncie. Those present included longtime League members Sue Errington, Jean Gadziola, and Lynn Hale. Not present, but part of our committee are Cheryl and Dave LeBlanc, and Dyke and Katie Williams.

Muncie Sanitary Dept. Free workbook

Last year, the committee focused on researching local recycling efforts and coordinating a 
panel presentation on recycling. The presentation was held in the spring, and panelists included Jason Donati from Muncie Sanitary District (MSD), Scrap Cycle Founder & CEO Bob Mattax,
Dr. Dave LeBlanc (Ball State University), and Rep. Sue Errington. Topics included what materials can be recycled, their uses and final destinations, and discussion of recycling programs in other cities in Indiana. The forum concluded with a panel Q&A session where audience members were able to ask questions of all the presenters. 

Following the spring presentation, the natural resources committee drafted a resolution, unanimously approved by the LWV-MDC Leadership Team, in which we stated our support of Muncie Sanitary District switching from a “blue bag system” of recycling to an opt-in Toter system. 

We are currently waiting to hear from MSD on the outcome of a grant proposal submitted, in which the MSD requested funding to help transition to a new Toter system.

The main goals of our September meeting were to lay out intended outcomes for the year ahead. The committee has decided to research local solar panel efforts and controversies. The goal is to educate citizens on possible community and environmental impacts, and to determine if the local league would like to take an official position. We also plan to coordinate a spring panel presentation that includes experts and citizens that can contribute information and answer questions on proposed, large-scale solar panel installations. 

The Star Press reported on the controversy regarding
the proposal for solar panel installation, here.

The committee will reconvene in approximately 5-6 weeks to begin research and planning efforts. The natural resources committee welcomes new members. Anyone interested in attending a natural resources committee meeting can contact Committee Chair Sarah Williams, at